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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find more information regarding specific services provided at Clark Health Services?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding services that are not listed on our website, please call Health Services at 1-508-793-7467.

What are nurse practitioners?

Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with advanced education and clinical education. They are authorized to diagnose and treat many health problems and may also prescribe medications.

How do I make an appointment?

To make an appointment with either a nurse practitioner or a physician, call 1-508-793-7467. If it’s not an emergency, you can usually schedule an appointment within 24 hours. We also request that you call us to cancel if you are unable to keep the appointment.

What if I’m depressed?

Emotional, physical, and academic problems are sometimes difficult to sort out. A good place to start is with the Health Service, the Dean of Students, or Campus Counseling. Anyone in this network can provide assistance or refer you to an appropriate counselor.

What happens if I get sick with something like mono?

Naturally, if you require hospitalization, Health Services will make the arrangements. However, most students with an acute illness like mononucleosis (a prolonged viral illness often accompanied by fatigue and sore throat) are able to stay in the residence hall.

If needed, we also will arrange for you to be seen for a follow-up visit at the clinic. Most students with mononucleosis, for instance, are seen at Health Services on a weekly basis, even though they may be attending classes.

Does Health Services provide information on sexuality and sexual health care?

Yes. Sexual health care information and education regarding sexuality issues, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are available. This includes screening for cervical, breast, and testicular cancer. Health Services also provides diagnosis and treatment of common gynecological problems, genito-urinary disorders, and STDs. Routine gynecological exams are scheduled during specifically designated times, but a student with an acute gynecological problem, like vaginitis, can make an appointment anytime.

What about contraception?

Health Services provides professional advice and counseling to all students about various contraceptive methods and their associated benefits and risks.  Students may arrange for a gynecological exam and contraceptive prescription. All of our services are strictly confidential.

What about confidentiality? Who has access to my health records?

See the Privacy Policy.

What if I need to see a specialist?

Health Services has an active specialist referral list, but you should be seen by a Health Services physician or nurse practitioner first. Our referral network includes such area specialists as dermatologists, psychologists, endocrinologists, allergists, orthopedic specialists, and dentists.

How do I access transportation to off-campus medical appointments?

Transportation resources are available on our website. Students are responsible for transportation costs associated with their health care.

What if it’s an urgent problem?

It’s best to call Health Services first at 1-508-793-7467 and talk to a nurse to determine if the symptoms require immediate attention. If you need help right away, we will arrange to see you as soon as possible.

What if it’s an emergency?

If a student is experiencing profuse bleeding, loss of consciousness, serious burns, difficulty breathing, or another potentially serious problem:

On Campus

  1. Call campus police at  1-508-793-7575.
  2. Give your name, location and nature of the emergency.
  3. Post someone outside the building to direct those responding. The campus police will arrange transportation to the nearest hospital.

Off Campus

  1. Call 911. Give your name, location, and nature of the emergency, and request an ambulance. You will be transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital.
  2. Call Health Services at  1-508-793-7467 as soon as possible so that we may arrange follow-up care.
What happens if I’m sick on the weekend or after 5 p.m.?

After-hours and weekend phone advice is provided through UMass Memorial Hahnemann Family Health Center. If you have a non-emergency health problem that cannot wait until the Health Center reopens, you should call Hahnemann Family Health Center’s Answering Service at 1-508-334-8830.  Identify yourself as a Clark student and leave your name and telephone number with the answering service, and the on-call physician will return your call in approximately one hour.  The physician will ask you some questions and advise a plan of care.

If you are referred for medical evaluation at an urgent care center or emergency room, you (or your medical insurance) are responsible for payment.

Alternatively, you may decide to go directly to an urgent care center. Please check to make sure your insurance is accepted before you choose which one.

How do I get to an urgent care center or the hospital?

For emergency transport, please visit our transportation page. For transport due to a non-emergency issue, you can arrange a ride through a friend, taxi, or Uber/Lyft.

I know there are many hospitals in Worcester. Can I go to any one of them?

Clark Health Services is staffed by UMass Memorial Health Care employees. While you can go to any hospital in the area, we recommend UMass Memorial Health Care to guarantee good continuity of care.

Can I get a medical excuse from Health Services for missed classes?

Only if you need to be hospitalized. However, if you are petitioning the College Board for an incomplete due to an illness, you can give Health Services written permission to forward information about your illness to the board.

Who can use Health Services?

All matriculated undergraduate students can use Clark Health Services. Graduate students use Health Services on a fee-for-service basis. Under the fee-for-service arrangement, students will be billed for each office visit.

Do I need health insurance?

Yes. All full-time undergraduate and graduate students must carry adequate health insurance. If you are not covered under this plan, be sure to know what health insurance you do have and how to obtain a claim form if required. Please make sure you carry your health insurance membership card with you.

What do I need to know about health insurance?

Health Insurance is required for all college students. It is your responsibility to know what your insurance will or will not cover. If you are unsure of your coverage, please call the number on the back of your insurance card. You are responsible for, and will be billed for, services that are not covered by your insurance. You should check your Clark mailbox and forward your mail over breaks to avoid outstanding bills going to collection.

How can I avoid the most common health insurance reimbursement issues when I am deciding whether or not to waive the Clark health insurance plan?

Health insurance is complicated.  Be proactive. Before choosing to waive the Clark insurance plan, please confirm that your health insurance plan covers you locally here in Worcester.  Your insurance plan must provide coverage including, but not limited to, ambulance transportation, routine preventative care, episodic care for illness/injuries, coverage for lab work and radiology services, specialty referrals, office procedures, outpatient visits, emergency room visits, hospital admissions, mental health visits, and coverage for prescriptions. Please be sure to research in-network versus out-of-network coverage, preferred providers, pre-authorization for CTs and MRIs, deductibles, and any requirements for referrals from your doctor at home in order to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses.  You should also know if your insurance requires that you use a certain laboratory for reimbursement.

Health Services uses Quest Laboratory and UMass Memorial radiology services. Should your insurance require you to use Lab Corp, you will need to arrange transportation to the nearest location.

Emergency Telephone Numbers
  • Campus Police: 1-508-793-7575
  • Clark University Health Services: 1-508-793-7467
  • Hahnemann Family Health Center: 1-508-334-8830
  • Worcester Emergency: 911
  • Mental Health Resource Line: 1-508-334-2551
  • Campus Counseling: 1-508-793-7678
What happens if I need a medication refilled from home?

If you need ongoing prescription refills,  Health Service is happy to help students on a case-by-case basis. This would be renewing prescriptions prescribed by an at home provider during the academic school year while here at Clark. We kindly request recent documentation, within the past 6 months, from the prescribing provider. Documentation should be on letter head, include prescription name, dose, diagnosis, sign and dated by the provider. All prescription refills will require an appointment with a provider at Health Service. Please call 508-793-7467 to inquire about your specific prescription and situation. 

Where is Clark Health Services located?

Clark University Health Services
501 Park Ave.
Worcester, MA 01610

What should I do if I need a prescription refilled, need a test result, have a question for a specific provider, or need a hold lifted?

Please call 508-793-7467 M-F from 9am-5pm and put in your request.  We will try our best to accommodate you as quickly as possible.  However, patients may need to make an appointment and/or it may take up to 3 business days to get a specific request fulfilled.

Where can I find more information about Covid-19?

When sick with any respiratory virus patients should stay home, wash their hands, distance, and wear masks. The CDC has valuable information on Covid-19.  Patients should review the CDC website frequently or whenever they have questions to stay up to date on the latest recommendations. If you have any specific medical needs/questions related to Covid-19 call our office at 508-793-7467. 

Contact Information

Health Services

Office Location

501 Park Ave.
Worcester, MA 01610

